Ride the Divide

2001 - Trip to West Coast

Day Seven
Today we are to meet up with Nancy, Fred and Dean. We had planned to do this whole trip together, but special interests took us in different directions at times. Were to meet at The Sea Ranch, Cathy and I stopped for picture and guess who came around the corner.
Damn near got hyperthermia from Garberville to Eureka. Cathy's clutch started slipping, after just getting it fixed at Rocky Mountain H-D Dealership just before leaving. Got in late and spent the night at Eureka, CA.
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Hit the coast near Jenner. Where a fresh water river meets the ocean. There were seals on a sand bar. Stopped for pictures just north of Jenner. We were all to meet for lunch at The Sea Ranch further north, but guess who comes around the corner. First time we all got together.
The "Gangs" wheels. Stopped in Mendocino, nice but an over rated tourist stop.
The coast was very scenic Cold too!

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Various Scooter Photos * 1998 Trip * Arizona 1999 * 2000 Trip * Red River Rally 2001 * West Coast 2001 * Colorado Map

Nerd's Day Off